“Light It Up Pink for Layla”

Registration for the 2025-2026 FYHP Season is now open. If you are a player between the ages of 5 and 18/19, please click on the registration link above. Registration fee (non-refundable) is $300 until March 1. After March 1, registration fee will increase to $400. This fee will go toward the 2025-2026 full-year tuition.
Tryouts begin March 10 and run through March 24, 2025.
Further details on specific tryout schedule and full-year tuition fees will be forthcoming.
Please contact fyhpregistrar@gmail.com for more information.
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Framingham Elks Lodge #1264
Union Avenue, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Team -
It's been a couple weeks since I've reached out. It's a busy time of the year, both on and off the ice. I know many of you have been in tournaments the past couple of weeks, which is awesome. And same congratulations for those who have advanced past Natick in the state playdown game. I know our 12Ub plays tonight, and our 10UA team plays tomorrow night, so hopefully we can secure a few more spots.
We're also approaching the mid-point of the season. It can be a grind. Try to sprinkle in a fun practice here and there to keep the kids motivated and excited to come to practice. For my teams, they really enjoy the Umbrella Shooting Drill, so we make that a game and run through it once a practice right now.
Instead of a drill this week, I wanted to share with you a Flyer promoting the Framingham High School Season Opener, which is also a Toys for Tots event. The game is this Saturday at 6 PM, Loring.
FHS is coached by Adam Aguilar, a former coach in the FYHP program. Adam is a huge supporter of town hockey, and his kids came through the program. Please share with your teams - but this would be a great opportunity to pack Loring with FYHP kids, support our HS team, and also donate a bunch of toys in the process.
Please share with your teams and staff, and I hope to see most of you and your teams there on Saturday night!!